Wednesday, April 22, 2009


My lovely wife bears the legal title, “Lady” under Scottish law and she has the certificate to prove it. She has never been to Scotland. In fact, she is 100% Italian. But she owns a small plot of land (it could accommodate a lawn chair, it is so small) that affords her the privilege to use the title “Lady.”

Of course, it was a birthday gift several years ago, and a well received one at that, but here it makes for a wonderful illustration.

Centuries ago, the only way a woman could gain the title “Lady,” or any royal title shy of being the king’s princess, was to marry into one. Now before anyone thinks me a chauvinist for bringing it up, it remains true for everyone who claims Jesus as Messiah.

We all, whether man or woman, are the betrothed Bride to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Our inheritance as the Bride, with the prophesied privilege to reign and rule with Him is wholly dependent upon the holy Bridegroom. To that end, all who call on Jesus as Savior and Lord, bear the title prince and princess, lord and lady.

Now imagine if you will, what would life be like in the Body of Christ if we all thought of one another as regal inheritors of the Throne – far from common and everyday – but noble and high? How might relationships change if we recognized one another as royal?

Now that’s a noble plan! Give it a try, and leave comments here how it changes you!

"The noble man devises noble plans and by noble plans he stands."

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