Thursday, May 7, 2009


From the Introduction of
Noble Plans: Living as Heir to the King

Christians talk about being the “King’s kids” and title vacation Bible school programs by the same name. Believers wonder what it will be like reigning and ruling with the King of kings when the Messiah comes to His throne. Catholics and Protestants alike call our heavenly Father “King,” acknowledging at least in principle if not in practice, His boundless sovereignty. Yet why do so many miss the mark when it comes to living life in accord with our spiritual and scriptural
royal lineage?

I believe that there is within each and every person, both inside and out the community of the redeemed, a deep and residing passion for personal nobility; a nobleness mirrored in the One in whose image we were created. Every person on earth, as the Scriptures tell us, is created in the “image” of God—the Lord of the universe—and as such, we have implanted within our core the image of nobility, a resemblance of the Sovereign Creator. If the Almighty God, Supreme Ruler of the universe and King of all the earth is the image reflected in us, then by default, we have within our souls the potential for a most royal bearing.

"The noble man devises noble plans and by noble plans he stand"

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